Call for Cases & Paper: Experience Studies

  • 10 de setembro de 2022

Formal Paper Session: Midwest Sociological Society

2023 Annual Meeting: Beyond Academe

March 23-26, 2023

Minneapolis, USA (on-site)

Royal Sonesta Minneapolis Downtown


  • Abstracts Submissions: Oct 31, 2022
  • Abstract Decisions: Nov 7, 2022
  • Abstract Decisions: Nov 7, 2022
  • Guideline of case formats and papers: Nov 15, 202
  • FULL Paper Submissions: Jan, 2023
  • Presentation in the MSS: March 23-26, 2023
  • Invitation, Revisions and Decisions to publication: April, 2023
  • Publication on The Journal of Experience: July, 2023


Alfred Schutz’s hermeneutic contributions establish the “meaning-context” as distinctive corpora to “experience” studies, overlooked in qualitative approaches of the “Human-computer interaction” field. Despite the use of sociology and ethnography methods in digital product investigation, they stand in sync with scalable short-term research trends linked to “agile methods.” Are we moving towards a “quantification” of qualitative craftworks automated? Is there a way out?

This Paper Session invites product/user experience (UX) researchers, and public opinion practitioner to reflect on the qualitative vs. quantitative debate and the changing of “experience” diction facing mediatization game between academia and the market: from traditional public opinion tools to modern “experience research.” Researchers and scientists with a background in social science take a step forward.

Indeed, between the 1940s and 1960s, Paul Lazarsfeld set agendas that emphasized quantification in the humanities as effects of public opinion and advertising to change attitudes and actions. In contrast, Ernest Manheim (1933) noted that public opinion is driven by linkage changes in small-group, framing types as transcendental, plural, and authoritarian spheres. These unified and fragmented the “want, react, and know” as a collectivity experience recognized.

  • Do values and ethical adherence in small groups guide the solo-experience use of app features’ required actions?

  • To what extent does mass media frame perceptions about aesthetics, narratives, and interactive forms, translating “experience” as synonymous with “public opinion”?

Finally, this Paper Session proposes to anchor Erving Goffman’s (1974) analyses that prefer groups’ figurative experiences instead of clustered users’ ones, reframing “users” as “actors” or “figures.”

We have a small number of slots for additional papers. We invite abstracts for 20-minute talks on topics that may include, but are not limited to:

  • UX Research cases
  • General/rational concept of Interaction Design vs. User Experience
  • Criticisms of and alternatives to Human–computer interaction (HCI)
  • Hermeneutics of symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and sociology of knowledge applyed in studies of experience and interaction
  • Comparison of qualitative interview methods, surveys, usability testing and ethnography

Submission Procedure

Please submit an abstract of up to 300 words by 31 October to

The submission should be in Word or PDF format. Full paper formats will be sent after the announcement of acceptance.

2023 MSS Annual Meeting

  2023 MSS Annual Meeting March 23-26, 2023 | Minneapolis, MN

The 2023 MSS Annual Meeting will take place at the Royal Sonesta in Downtown Minneapolis, MN.  Read more about the theme here. Registration opens in December 2022. Check back soon for registration options and rates.  Registration Types and Rates Early bird registration rates will be available through February 3, 2023. These rates are, on average, a 25% discount to the regular rates. Please register early for the best deals! All persons on the MSS 2023 program (presenters, organizers, facilitators, committee members, etc.) must be both MSS members AND register for the conference. Membership and registration can be purchased separately or collectively online. Please be sure your membership is current if you are purchasing a member-rate registration. Not a member? Join MSS today! Non-

Participating Undergraduate Student Group Rate MSS offers a group rate for undergraduate students not participating in the meeting as a presenter, facilitator, presider or other named participant. The intention of this group rate is to introduce undergraduate students to MSS by providing a reduced rate for a small group. These group rates will be available when registration opens in December.

Check back for more information on accessing these rates. Each group consists of undergraduate students only. Students in the group are not required to be members of MSS. Students participating in the meeting must pay standard student rates (not part of a group rate). Each group must be sponsored by an MSS professional member who is attending the meeting. All names must be supplied in advance to the Executive Director for input to the MSS database. Group rates are available to any institution of higher education, not limited to the Midwest region.
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