Publicações de Ernest Manheim

As publicações de Ernst Manheim estão originalmente em inglês e alemão. Esta bibliografica foi elaborada pelo Max Kade Center da Universidade de Kansas.

Escritos de Ernest Manheim

Bibliografia em progresso (4ª versão; 15 de maio de 2000)

Zur Logik des Konkreten Begriffs. Múnich: C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Oskar Beck), 1930. [Inaugural dissertation, University of Leipzig, 1928.]

Die Träger der öffentlichen Meinung. Studien zur Soziologie der Öffentlichkeit, Verlag Rudolf M. Rohrer, Brünn/Prag/Leipzig/Wien 1933.

La Opinión Pública, translated by Francisco Avyala. Madrid: Editorial Revista de Derecho Privado, 1936. [Translation of “Die Träger der öffentlichen Meinung, ” appearing in the Biblioteca de la Revista de Derecho Privado. Ser. H. Obras de sociología y filosofía del derecho. III]

Security, Authority, and Society: An Ethnological Introduction to Sociology. Dissertation, London, 1937.

Kansas City and Its Neighborhoods: Facts and Figures. Written in cooperation with Iona Rowland and with the aid of Dr. Worth M. Tippy. Kansas City: The Kansas City Council of Churches and the Department of Sociology of the University of Kansas City, 1943.

Youth in Trouble. Kansas City: City of Kansas City (Community Service Division, Department of Welfare), 1945. Republished in 1976 by the Microfilming Corporation of America, Glen Rock NJ. Aufklãrung und óffentliche Meinung. Studien zur Soziologie der Offentlichkeit im 18. Jahrhundert, edited and prefaced by Norbert Schindler. Stuttgart/Bad Canstatt: Frommann-Holzboog 1979. [This is a retitled new edition of Die Trãger der óffentlichen Meinung in the series Kultur und Gesellschaft. Neue historische Forschungen, Bd. 4.]

Livros editados

Karl Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Culture, edited and translated by Ernest Manheim in cooperation with Paul Kecskemeti. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956 [in the International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction]. Reprinted in 1962, 1967, and 1971. Reprinted again in 1997 as Vol. 7 of The Collected Works of Karl Mannheim. New York and London: Routledge.

Karl Mannheim, Ensayos de sociología de la cultura, edited by Juan Zaragúeta and translated by Manuel Suarez. Madrid: Aguilar, 1957. [This is the Spanish edition of Karl Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Culture, 1956.]

Capítulos em livros:

“Beiträge zu einer Geschichte der autoritären Familie” Pp. 523-574 in Max Horkheimer, ed., Studien úber Autoritãt und Familie. Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut fiúr Sozialforschung. Paris: Félix Alcan 1936. Reprinted in 1987 by Dietrich zu Klampen in Lúneburg.

“The Sociological Theories of Hans Frever. Sociology as a Nationalistic Program of Social Action.” Pp. 362-373 in Harry Elmer Barnes, ed., An Introduction to the History of Sociology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1948.

“Perspektiven moderner Musik.” Pp. 216-221 in Tymbos fúr Wilhelm Ahlmann; ein Gedenkbuch hrsg. von seinen Freunden. Berlin: Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 1951.

“Recent Types of Charismatic Leadership.” Pp. 545-557 in Joseph S. Roucek, ed., Social Control. Princeton NJ: Van Nostrand, 1953. [First published in 1947? Second edition in 1956? Second edition reprint, Westport CN: Greenwood Press, 1970? Check)]

“Introduction.” Pp. 1-13 in Karl Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Culture. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956. [Reprinted in 1997? Check]

“Tradition, Weltentwurf und Daseinserwartung.”” Pp. 123- 131 in Otto Walter Haseloff & Herbert Stachowiak, eds., Kultur und Norm. Berlin: Dr. Georg Lúttke Verlag, 1957. [This is the second volume in the series Schriften zur Wissenschaftlichen Weltorientierung.]

“Sociological Theory,” co-authored by Joseph B. Gittler. Pp. 1-25 in Joseph B. Gittler, ed., Review of Sociology: Analysis of a Decade. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1957.

“The Communicator and His Audience: Liberals and Traditionalists in Eighteenth-Century Germany.” Pp. 503- 515 in Werner J. Cahnmann & Alvin Boskoff, eds., Sociology and History. Theory and Research. Glencoe: Free Press; London: Collier-Macmillan 1964. [This is the revised version of a paper presented to the American Sociological Association in Seattle, August 1958, under the title “The Formation of Public Opinion Through Small Groups.”]

“Vorwort zur Neuausgabe.” Pp. 18-19 in Ernst Manheim, Aufklãrung und óffentliche Meinung, op. cit. 1979.

Artigos em revistas e outras publicações

“Übersicht” (1928) Pp. 25-26 in Michael Neumann et al., eds., Jahrbuch fúr Soziologiegeschichte 1995. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1999. Also published in Reinhard Múller, ed., Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim: Soziologe, Anthropologe, Komponist. Zum 100. Geburtstag. Katalog zur Ausstellung anlãsslich des 100. Geburtstags an der Universitãtsbibliothek Graz vom 3. Mãrz bis 14. April 2000. Graz: Druck und Verlag: Universitátsbibliothek Graz, pp. 29-30. [This is a summary of the 1928 dissertation.]

“Plan von Vorlesungen.” (1930) Pp. 27-28 in Jahrbuch fir Soziologiegeschichte 1995 (see above); reprinted in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim (see above), pp. 36-37. [From a previously unpublished manuscript.]

“Thesen zum Vortrag: ‘Die Bildungskrise der Gegenwart” .” (1930-1931) Page 37 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. [From a previously unpublished manuscript.] Also available in the Nachlal Ernest Manheim, Kataloge 31, Archiv fúr die Geschichte der Soziologie in ÔOsterreich, edited by Reinhard Múller, University of Graz, pp. 6-7.

“Soziologie der Tat.” (1933) Pp. 29-34 in Jahrbuch fúr Soziologiegeschichte 1995; reprinted in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim, pp. 38-42. [From an unpublished manuscript, read to the Leipzig Volkshochschule in January-February 1933.]

“The Psychology of Social Conformity.” (1936-37). Pp. 46-51 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. [Originally an unpublished manuscript.]

“The Role of Small Groups in the Formation of Public Opinion.” Pp. 276-282 in The Southwestern Social Science

Quarterly, 20 (3), 1940. [Originally a paper presented to the Southwestern Sociological Society, April 7-8, 1939.]

“Mental Disorders in the Urban Environment.” (1939/43) Pp. 60-72 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. Also available in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim, pp. 213-222.

“Minority Status as Related to Old and New Nationalism” (1940). A presentation to the Nineteenth Annual Institute of the Society for Social Research, University of Chicago, August 16-17, 1940. First published in AGSÔ (Archiv fiúr die Geschichte der Soziologie in ÔÓsterreich/Archive for the History of Sociology in Austria), No. 19, pp. 16-19, edited by Reinhard Múller, Institut fúr Soziologie, University of Graz, December 1999.

“Coordinating Councils in Kansas City.” (1942) Pp. 77-78 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. Also available in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim, pp. 260-266.

“Risk and Social Security: Specified and Non-Specified Risks.” (1942) Pp. 79-87 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. Also published in AGSÔ 19 (see above), p. 20-27. [Originally an untitled lecture.]

“Karl Mannheim 1893-1947.” (1947) Pp. 471-474 in The American Journal of Sociology, 52 (6), May.

“Hungary the Unwilling Satellite.” (1956) Pp. 28-29 in AGSÔ 19. Also published in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim, pP. 90-92. [First published as a newspaper commentary; see below. ]

“Musiksoziologie.” (1958) Pp. 30-31 in AGSÔ 19; reprinted in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim, pp. 93-94. [First published as an encyclopedia entry; see below.]

“Theoretical Prospects of Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Society.” (1960) Pp. 226-229 in American Journal of Sociology, 66 (3), November. [Originally a paper presented to the Midwest Sociological Society in St. Louis, 1960.]

“Reaction to Alienation.” (1965) Pp. 108-111 in The Kansas Journal of Sociology, 1 (3), Summer.

“Functional Explanations.” (1968?) Pp. 35-47 in Jahrbuch fúr Soziologiegeschichte 1995, op. cit. [This was originally written for a seminar.]

“The Sociological Use of Historical Data.” (1960s?) Pp. 95-98 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. [This was originally written for a seminar.]

“The Sociology of Knowledge Reconsidered.” (1972) Pp. 177-180 in The Kansas Journal of Sociology, 8 (2). Reprinted in Medien & Zeit, 13 (2), 1998 (pp. 14-17), Vienna.

“The Social Preconditions of Sociology.” (1970s?) Pp. 98- 100 in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim. [This was originally written for a seminar.]

“The Drift of Alienated Students to Sociology.” (1973) Pp. 192-195 in The American Sociologist, Vol. 8, November.

“The Frankfurt School and Critical Sociology and Critical Philosophy.” Pp. 31-35 in The Mid-American Review of Sociology, 26 (2), 1992. [This was originally a lecture at the University of Kansas on November 14, 1991; transcribed by Hossein and Laura Bahmaie.]

Notas e comentários

“Minority Status as Related to Old and New Nationalism.” Page 11 in Bulletin. The Society for Social Research, Vol. 9, December 1940 (Chicago). [This 18 the abstract of a paper read to the Society for Social Research at the University of Chicago in August, 1940. See above for data on the full paper, which was first published in 1999.)

“Community Responsibility in Crime Prevention.” Pp. 3-5 in Law Enforcement (Kansas City), 1 (12), April 1942.

“An Estimate of Defense Migrations in Kansas City.” Pp. 10-11 in Bulletin. The Society for Social Research (Chicago), Vol. 20, June 1943.

“Kansas City Looks to the Future.” Pp. 1-2 in Bulletin of the Community Councils of Kansas City, Mo., 1 (1), April 1944.

“Steps Toward Crime Prevention.” Pp. 19-21 in David Owen, ed., Some Ideas on Planning in Health, Welfare, and Recreation. 30 Opinions by Kansas Citians. Kansas ECLEY: City Planning Commission, Community Service Division Kansas City, 1944.

“Hungary Followed its Traditional Pattern in Latest Heroic Revolt.” Page 518 in The Kansas City Times, December 1 1956. (See above for republication data.)

“Comments by Ernest Manheim” on papers by Vatro Murvar (“Some Reflections on Max Weber’s Tvypology of Herrschaft”) and Ferdinand Kolegar (“The Concept of ‘Rationalization”‘ and Cultural Pessimism in Max Weber’s Sociology”). Pp. 385-387 in The Sociological Quarterly, Autumn 1964.

“A Note of Dissent” on Cesar Franck’s Symphonvy. University News, February 10, 1966.

“Perhaps I am favorably biased… Ein Brief von Ernest Manheim an Lolly und Henry Haskell. Graz, am l14. Dezember 1955.” First published in AGSÔ (Archiv fiúr die Geschichte der Soziologie in Ósterreich/Archive for the History of Sociology in Austria), No. 13, pp. 7-8, edited by Reinhard Múller, Institut fúr Soziologie, University of Graz, June 1996. Also published in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim, pp. 88-89.

Manuscritos não publicados

“úber Krisen.” Written around 1930. Pp. 8-74 in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim, op. cit.

“Risk, Security and Social Control: A Study Project.” (1936-37) Pp. 84-108 in the Nachlal Ernest Manheim.

“Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the privilege of speaking to this audience…” (1937-38) Pp. 109-137 in the Nachlaf Ernest Manheim, op. cit. [This is the document published. in AGSÔ No. 19 under the title “Risk and Social Security,” curiously dated “1942.” The curiosity here, of course, is that Reinhard Múller is responsible for both of these datings. I prefer another title — say, “Insecurity, Uncertainty, and Collective Behavior.”]

“Risk and Security.” (1937-38) Pp. 138-156 in the Nachlafb Ernest Manheim.

“Causative and Distributive Factors in the Incidence of Psychoses .”” Written in 1940. Pp. 172-186 in the Nachlaf Ernest Manheim.

“Summary of a Study of Mental Disorders in Kansas Citvy, Missouri.” Written around 1940. Pp. 233-244 in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim.

“Summary of a survey on juvenile delinquency in Kansas City.” (Written around 1943) Pp. 336-343 in the Nachlaf Ernest Manheim.

“Memorandum on Group Therapy.” (1940s) Pp. 487-490 in the Nachlafls Ernest Manheim.

“Memorandum on Procedure to Estimate the Population of Kansas City in Intercensal Years.”” (1951) Pp. 506-511 in the Nachlafls Ernest Manheim.

“Collective Behavior: Fallow Field or Sterile Soil?” (1940s) Pp. 512-515 in the NachlalB Ernest Manheim.

“An Inventory of Liberal Adult Education Activities in Kansas City Since the Summer of 1947.” (26 pages, June 24 1952)

“Stellungnahme zum Typoskript ‘Some Comments on Historical Sociology’ (1957) von Robert Nisbet.” Written in 1957, with an attached letter from Robert Nisbet. Pp. 532-535 in the Nachlalb Ernest Manheim.

“Power .”” Written around 1957-58. Pp. 536-541 in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim.

“Social Classes in America.” (1960) Pp. 557-563 in the Nachlafls Ernest Manheim.

“The Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Iran.” (Seven pages, written around 1962)

“A Report on Juvenile Violence in Kansas City, Missouri.” Researched and written with the help of Andrew Paton, Richard Schusler, Marvin Thill, Michele Thompson, and Darlene Solomon. (27 pages; 1964?)

“Report of the Study Committee concerning the Paseo Branch of the YWCA.” May 13, 1965; written with Lucille Bluford, Constance Osgood, Ann Thomas et al. Pp. 589-592 in the Nachlafs Ernest Manheim.

“The Constituency of the Paseo Branch.” Written in 1965 with Ann Thomas. Pp. 593-601 in the NachlalB Ernest Manheim.

“The Sociological Uses of Historical Data.” (Nine pages, two versions; 1960s? One version appeared recently in Ernô Ernst Ernest Manheim.)

“Conflict Theory and Functionalism.” (Six pages; 1960s?)

“Thomas Jefferson Day Address,” April 13, 1973. (A public speech on the occasion of receiving the Thomas Jefferson Award — at UMKC?)

“A Note of Dissent on the Review of Caligula.” Published in the UMKC University News? Date?

“The Social Preconditions of Sociology.” (Five pages, two versions; 1960s-1970s? Possibly the paper that Ernest’s résumé indicates was read to the Missouri Sociological Society in 1975.)

“Work and Leisure.” (Nine pages, two versions; 1970s? [after 1961, before 1980; possibly the paper that Ernest’s résumé indicates was read to the American Sociological Association in 1976].)

“Alienation, Its Types and Indicators.” (Five pages; possibly one of the papers on alienation that Ernest’s résumé indicates were read to the International Sociological Association in 1976 and 1978.)

“Gang Violence: A Case Study in Alienation.” (11 pages; possibly the paper on alienation that Ernest’s résumé indicates was read to the International Sociological Association in 1978; not written before 1977.)

“Background of the Bosnian War.” A talk to the academic discussion group “The Ineffectuals,” Kansas City, April 1994; transcribed by Frank T. Manheim.

“Rock Music: The Role and Future of Electronic ‘*Beat” Music,” co-authored by Frank Tibor Manheim, semi-final draft, January 25, 2000.


Matthias Greffrath, “Der analytische Geist der deutschen Wissenschaft, nicht der spekulative, hat mich beeindruckt. Ein Gesprãch mit Ernst Manheim.” Pp. 308-332 [208-232? check] in M. Rainer Lepsius, ed., Soziologie in Deutschland und Ôsterreich 1918-1945: Materialen zur Entwicklung, Emigration und Wirkungsgeschichte. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1981. [ = Kôlner Zeitschrift fir Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft 23.]

Stefanie Averbeck, “Gesprãche mit Ernst Manheim (geb. 1900), júdischer Emigrant aus Deutschland und amerikanischer Soziologe. Recorded in August 1995 in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.” Pp. 53-86 in Jahrbuch fúr Soziologiegeschichte 1995, op. cit.